Hello Everyone,
Recently, One of my customer facing issue to create Azure Migrate project in specific region. Currently from Azure Portal, only Geography location is available. Azure Migrate project will be created using random region in the geography.

If you want to deploy the project in specific region such as Southeast Asia, there no guarantee that the project will be created in Southeast Asia if you create the project from Azure portal.
To deploy the project in specific region, we need to deploy the Azure Migrate using an ARM Template and create a custom deployment in Azure portal. For the ARM template, I share the template as below. Please replace the project name, resource group name and subscription id then save the file as template.json
To deploy the arm template. Please follow the step below :-
- Login to https://portal.azure.com
- On the search bar, search deploy a custom template
- On Custom deployment, Click Build your own template in the editor
- On Edit template page, click Load file button and upload the template.json file.
- After load the template file, locate line number 9 and put your desired location for the project to be created. For this deployment, my location will be “location”: “southeastasia”, . Click save.
- On the next page, click Review + create button.
- Review all the information and click Create button.
- Wait the deployment to complete. After the deployment complete, on the search bar type Azure Migrate.
- On the Azure Migrate blade, go to properties to verify the project location.

Thanks you for reading my post. Stay tuned for more updates from me.