Hello Everyone,
In this post, I will guide to setup azure migrate appliance for VMware using PowerShell.
- First step is to create azure migrate project. You can refer to my previous post on creating azure migrate project.
- After the project is being created, Click on discover to start.

- Next on the Discover page, on section Are your servers virtualized? choose Yes, with VMware vSphere Hypervisor.
- On item number 1, Generate project key. Fill in your appliance name then press Generate key button. After the key is generated, save the project key on your computer. The project key is required when installing the appliance.
- On item number 2, Download Azure Migrate appliance. There are two option to install the appliance either to provision the appliance using the OVF template or provision a blank Windows Server 2016 with desktop experience and install the appliance using PowerShell. To install the appliance using power shell, you must download the .zip file installer from portal or can download it here and save on your computer.
- After download the file, login to the Server and copy the download file into the server. On the server, run PowerShell with Administrator privileges then navigate to the installer folder.
- When prompt, Enter Y on the PowerShell window then wait for the installer to install the file.
- Azure Migrate appliance doesn’t support Internet Explorer, you need to install other browser like Chrome or Microsoft Edge on the server.

- Once the installation completed, you will found Azure Migrate Appliance Configuration Manager on your desktop. Double click it then your browser will open the appliance configuration page.
- Setup all the pre-requisite.

- When all the pre-requisites is meet, Register your appliance with Azure Migrate. You need to fill in the project key and click login. Login to your azure portal and verify the appliance registration.

- After the appliance is registered, Enter the vCenter credentials and vCenter details then click validate.

- Next, to run agentless dependency analysis, software inventory and discover SQL Server. Please input the credentials for your VMs.

- After the credentials is being validated, click start discovery. Wait the discovery to completed.

- Navigate to your azure portal to view the discover VMs. The discovery may take some time depends on how many VMs on your VMware.
- After the discovery completed. You can view the total of VM discovered on your datacenter.

Thank you for reading my post. Stay tuned for more updates from me.